Join us for a Week of Wellness

At the intersection of real life and real estate

Greetings on this beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Let me begin by saying we are still open for business. We will be operating with a skeleton staff most working from home. There will not be any open for inspections or routine inspections scheduled by our office this week. At the moment one-on-one appointments are still permissible. We will continue to do virtual opens and we will be adhering strictly to the NSW Health Guidelines in order to play our part in getting everything back to normal as soon as possible.

. . . and now for something completely different!

I wanted to contact all of our amazing clients and connect with them as we all journey together in to another lockdown period. I understand lockdowns can be a very challenging time for some even the mere mention of the word can cause anxiety. It is no secret that domestic abuse, poverty, homelessness, loneliness and mental health conditions can be exacerbated by lockdowns.

So, I have decided to commit to our community by producing one topic per day covering various aspects of the self. Yes that includes everyone, you all have a self! Each of us have a duty to look after ourselves so we can then look after others in turn and create a better environment for all to thrive. That is my mission for the next 7 days. I sincerely hope you will join me as I share some of my holistic tools. For some I hope it will be a journey of self discovery and perhaps you will learn something that you can take with you beyond lockdown or share with someone you know.

It’ s Sunday evening and the light is slipping. A perfect time to go outside, even just to your garden and let some evening light in to your eyes. As we begin to train our bodies to relax into our evening routine.

I am excited to bring this little project to you where we will cover such things as sleep, routines, mindset, emotions, thinking about our thinking and so much more. Keep an eye out on our socials as I will be posting daily tips and tools to support our wellness journey.

My first topic is sleep. Sleep is something very close to my heart and I always begin any holistic approach by reviewing what is happening with sleep patterns. I have had, what might be considered, a torrid relationship with sleep over the years myself so I know how it affects our day to day performance. For those of you with small children you get it, for the small business owners that never switch off, for the anxious and exhausted amongst us, those looking after loved ones 24/7 I want to share with you some insights about sleep in the hope that we can improve our quantity and quality of this magic medicine.

Sleep is the single most important thing we can do to ensure our entire physiology is working at its optimum. It’s free. We are biologically programmed to do it. It improves every area of our lives and keeps us at the top of our game.


Let’s dive in!


Please be aware whilst every effort is taken in the production of this information it is prepared as a general guide only. It is not to be taken as advice in any instance. Nor is it specific to any person, or group of persons. While the MyPlace uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information the Company makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. The Company assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions of the content or how how this content is applied.  In no event shall the company be liable for any special incidental, indirect punitive, reliance or consequential damages whether foreseeable or not.

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